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Taking God's Name Seriously

So when Christ says: Pray this way, "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name" what does he mean? By God's name he means everything through which God is known....

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Is Your Relationship With God Based on Performance or Status?

Jesus says that you can approach God in two ways. You can pray like the hypocrites or like the Gentiles, coming to God on the basis of the performance of your prayers. Or you can pray as Jesus teaches, and come to God on the basis of your status as his child....

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The Problem No One Talks About

There are people who bear hidden scars from the pain of prayers that were not answered. They remember times when they prayed, really prayed, said all the right words with all the right motives, even asked their friends to join them in prayer, deeply believing that only God could help them out. And after they prayed, they waited and waited and waited, but God never seemed t...

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A Second Chance

Jonah's life does illustrate a biblical principle that reflects on the role of mothers in every age and in every place. It's the principle of first time obedience....

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When a Fish Catches a Man

It is the story of struggles, of disobedience, of problems and of prayer. But above all, it's a story about God's sovereignty and his grace. God's sovereignty is evident everywhere in this story. God is in control of the wind, the sea, the fish, and over humans. And we see his grace marvelously displayed throughout the story of Jonah....

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From Tragedy to Triumph

Imagine winning a victory and not even knowing it. But that's what happened when Jesus resurrected. His followers thought he had been vanquished. But in reality, Christ had pulled off the most astonishing victory of all time. It is possible to be a winner and still live as if you are a loser. ...

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The Most Controversial Issue of All

In 1 Corinthians Paul dealt with just about every controversial subject a church is likely to face. And now, as he wraps up this letter, Paul deals with one last controversial issue - the issue that some might consider to be the most controversial of all. It's the matter of giving....

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Is There Ever a Right Time to Die?

Is there ever a "right time" to die? I've never heard someone who lost a dearly loved one say, "Glad to see him or go. Good timing." The only times in which we welcome death for ourselves or our loved ones is when death brings an end to suffering. But it is the end of suffering, not the end of life, certainly not the departure of the person we loved, that we welcome. ...

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The Best is Yet to Come

Have you ever noticed that everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to grow old? It's true. If you want proof, just consider the five B's of middle age: baldness, bifocals, bridges, bulges, and bunions. Nothing works right. Our bodies slow down, decay, sag, groan, and wear out. We may brag about our strength but a tiny microbe can kill us. ...

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Doctrine Matters

Doctrine matters. Everything you do, every decision you make, is a demonstration of something that you believe. Everything about your life can be described in terms of it being an application of some sort of ultimate belief. Doctrine matters. Therefore, it is necessary and right that we think about it....

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